The Ultimate Guide to Inviting Users to HubSpot

by Endgrate Team 2023-10-03

Navigating HubSpot's user invitation process can be daunting for newcomers. However, adding team members to collaborate on your marketing strategies is essential for maximizing productivity. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to inviting users to HubSpot with ease.

How to Create a HubSpot Account

Before inviting users, ensure you have a HubSpot account. Visit the HubSpot website and click on "Get Started." Fill in the necessary details and complete the registration process. Once activated, you're ready to invite others.

What is the User Invitation Process?

The invitation process involves sending a custom email or link to potential team members. They can then click on this link to join your HubSpot account, allowing them to collaborate on campaigns, manage contacts, and more.

Where Can I Find the Invitation Manager?

From your HubSpot dashboard, navigate to the main menu. Select "Settings" and then "Users & Teams." Here, you'll find the 'Invitation Manager' option, centralizing all invitation-related activities.

How to Generate an Invitation Link

Inside the Invitation Manager, click "Invite Users." Here, you can generate a unique invitation link. Copy this link and share it directly with your team or through other communication platforms.

How to Customize the Invitation Email

Customizing your invitation email can add a personal touch. In the Invitation Manager, select "Customize Email." Edit the content to align with your brand's voice and specific instructions for your team.

What are the Different User Roles in HubSpot?

HubSpot offers various user roles, including:

  1. Admin: Full access and can manage other users.
  2. Marketer: Access to marketing tools but limited administrative rights.
  3. Sales: Access to sales features but not marketing tools.
  4. Service: Focused on customer service functionalities.

Assign roles based on your team's responsibilities to maintain a streamlined workflow.

How Can I Invite Multiple Users at Once?

Bulk inviting saves time. In the Invitation Manager, click "Bulk Invite." Upload a CSV file with the email addresses of the users you'd like to add. Ensure the file format is correct and proceed with the invitation.

Can I Track the Status of My Invitations?

Absolutely! In the Invitation Manager, you can view the status of each sent invitation. This feature helps in ensuring every team member has received and accepted their invitations.

How to Resend or Revoke an Invitation

Mistakes happen. If an invitee hasn't received their invitation, click "Resend" in the Invitation Manager. If you wish to revoke an invitation, select the specific invite and click "Revoke."


Inviting users to HubSpot doesn't have to be complicated. With this guide, you're equipped to expand your team on the platform, fostering collaboration and efficiency.

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